
What is Scoliosis?

Doctors measure scoliosis in degrees to examine the severity of the curve.
   Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. In other words, it is disease in which your spinal column has an abnormal curve. When someone has scoliosis their spine curves from side to side.  Some types of scoliosis are in the shape of an "S" or "C" and may be noticeable or not.  Larger curves tend to be more uncomfortable than smaller curves. 
    Scoliosis is a musculoskeletal disease, a disease in the muscles or the bones of the body,that occurs in your backbone.  Most of the people with scoliosis have mild curves, and might only need observation from a doctor from time to time.  However, if the scoliosis is more serious, then surgery is needed. The minor curves just need to be monitored, but more serious curves need treatment to slow down the progression of the curve or stop the curve altogether. 
    If the curve increases, your spine will be in a uncomfortable position, then muscles will have to work harder to keep the body up and the increasing pressure on the disks between the vertebrae will cause them to get thinner and wear out, which leads to many unwanted effects.  Extremely large curves are rare, but will cause 
        the heart and lung to be crowded, making it harder to breathe and may lead to organ malfunctions.  This is why it is very important to make sure scoliosis isn't affecting you. 

    To learn more about the Skeletal System, the body system affected by Scoliosis click the linked labeled "Skeletal System", seen above of click

By: Gwynn Marsh-Armstrong, Alice Choe , and Sneha Raj